About Donations
Donation by Credit Card
Please enter the amount and click “Donate”. Donation starts from 10 USD.
Donation by Direct Deposit (From outside of Japan)
Account Number | 62936565 |
Account Name | Masayo Kodama C/O N.P.O Reborn Kyoto |
When making a transfer, please include your name and address, and indicate that it is a general donation.
Donation by KIMONO
KIMONO Silk fabric is fully used as the essential material in our training program.
We would greatly appreciate if you could send us your ordinary KIMONO, OBI, HAORI, YUKATA, and JUBAN made of natural-fibers.
Please be noted that wool and fabric made of chemical fiber are hardly accepted.
We would kindly request you to pay the postage fee and 3,000 yen donation per a box for handling when you send. Thank you.
[Period for acceptance]
We will accept Donation by KIMONO during the following period.
From January 15 to February, every year
Mailing Address | Non Profit Organization REBORN KYOTO 101 Nishirokkaku-cho, Rokkaku-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8217 JAPAN |
Contact | TEL: 075-213-1731 (Weekdays 10:00 to 17:00 ) |
REBORN KYOTO is a Japanese Non Profit Organization working to nurture economic independence of women and young in developing countries through instruction of high level cloth fabrication and textile technology by utilizing KIMONO donated from all over Japan.
Starting from 1979, we have expanded our activities into 7 countries in the world.
In July 2013, our first project in the African Continent has started in the Republic of Rwanda as the 8th country in our history. The project name is “Life Empowerment Project through Acquiring Fabrication Skills”. 52 trainees were selected among 150 applicants in the first year, and 60 trainees among 600 applicants in the 2nd year. Every applicant has practiced very hard to create their bright future although he or she is in severe financial situation.
In addition to the new project in Rwanda, the follow-up activities in Laos and Jordan have been continuously conducted.
Your support accelerates the economic independence of our trainees in all over the world.
We greatly appreciate your kindness and continuous supports for our activities.